As I write this I am of course in pain. I will get into all the details and the particulars later. I just wanted to let everyone know, we are doing well. I am better, but it is chronic, so it doesn't go away. I just feel more relief at times. Things are falling behind at home but that is expected!! Especially when the mom isn't able to do anything for a month. I have three beautiful little mop tops who have gotten used to helping themselves to their own snack, putting on their own, clothes, shoes, bows, etc. Their clothing looks like a bachelor has washed and dried it and put it away. None the less I have lay ed all these things on the altar. I am feeling better, I was borderline stir crazy, and feeling blue. However, a beautiful day in Forest Park in this amazing weather was just what the Dr. ordered. We have had our fair share of sickness lately. I woke up with some stomach thing and I am finally feeling better, a side effect of the meds. I start, a bible study tomorrow night and I am really looking forward to that. I still have not made it back to Church and that has made me very very sad. I miss everyone and cannot wait for the fellowship again.
Glad you are sort of feeling better. I will keep praying. I bet it felt good to get out of the house. Looking forward to seeing you at church too! :)
Hey, welcome back! Cute pictures, of course ;). Hope the medicine helps you.
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