Friday, July 11, 2008

Blog, Blog Where art thou Blog?

So I have been completely consumed with my new job. Working every moment I have free time, has taken away all of my blogging time, and at my job I do not have any access to a computer at all. Going cold turkey from my computer has been tough, not to mention the separation anxiety I feel from my children.
There have been so many things I have wanted to blog about Including:
My dear sweet Erin, her marriage, and wedding to amazing Michael whom we adore. So excited about our camping trip in the future dear friends.
Our NEW mini van!! yes!! Excitement!! I LOVE MINI VANS!!! What a huge blessing this is for our family!!
How like everyone I know right now is pregnant, and I not about to join that club right now.
Wanting to go back to Nursing School, and how I want our Pastor's wife to go into it with me.
SOOO excited that the Clubb's house is almost finished, and how I want to sit and cry with Karen, over some of the frustration.
How Patrick has ripped out our shower, and now we don't have one downstairs!
How working is really hard, being away from my children and not at all what I had planned for MY life.
How Patrick and I have been enjoying our patio this summer with twinkle lights and a light dinner, and or drink before bed time.
How I want to for some zany reason go to the: New kids on the block concert
God's great graces, and how I need his grace to go to work
Our terrible raccoon issues
How I am so thrilled and blessed that my children get great quality time with Mimi and Grandadd and their love for us to serve us this way.
My husband and I just turned Eight years Old, last month and it went by so fast I don't even think we did anything.
I am enjoying teaching Sunday School to the primary class at church