Monday, April 30, 2007


Surprise! Oops my camera cord is broken and I can not download anything right now, I know I got all of really excited for this after picture. Sorry. I am now finishing my reading my awesome chapter of shalom filled relationships for my bible study tonight. This is the most wonderful book, I am enjoying the read and the ladies in the group. God is gracious. Someone in the group with wisdom said "We are so fortunate to be reading this book now in our "younger years" I do feel that God has reavealed this to me and thankful to him in his mercy and grace he bestows on me each and every day. I am that Wretch, that the Hymn refers to, and so was our kitchen before we fixed it up. HA

Friday, April 27, 2007

Kruddy Kitchen

Here is a pic of our kitchen when we first moved in it took two gallons of "krud Kutter" to get through the grime! I know this is nasty, however, all has been sanitized and this is now a safe place to consume food and beverage!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Ellie and Momma

Girls just wanna have FUN!

Friday, April 20, 2007

My Son shine

It Fits!

Ellie is wearing a hand me down from baby Elijah and baby Noah, and it fits Great! GO CARDS! Dewey from Malcom in the Middle believes that there should be hand me ups. And I think maybe John Clubb may feel that way too someday.

A Modest Moment or not

We are starting to train Noah to use the big potty. However he did want to remain modest in this picture and is giving me a look like Mommy, what are you doing-get out of here!

Todays Toddlers

During our day, through the tears, and the toddler fits, and the teaching, and Elijah saying "Mommy take a deep breath". We still have fun, loving, cuddly moments. These boys truly love another, and it is my fervent prayer that they will continue to do so forever. (That is toothpaste all over Noah's mouth, I used a scare tactic and showed the boys a picture of rotten teeth online and now they love to brush their teeth)


Here is Ellie on the Spiderman chair. This is the coolest seat in our house. It's where Elijah and Noah like to sit the most. Ellie was trying it out too. However, they don't always end up sitting in this chair, they have to sit in another chair quite often -but only for a couple of minutes. Ha!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Little Sister

We definitely miss you. Elijah and Noah pray for you and Ivan. I hope you have a great birthday. We love you!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Aunt Robin and Aunt Christy we love you both! We miss you Robin!


Happy Girl
Elijah has Ninja Turtles in his hands but he refers to them as Engine Turtles. He has never seen the cartoon or movie.

Noah looks like Daddy.

Ellie thinks her brothers are fun.

sing a song

Mickey, Mickey and Minnie!

We just woke up, but we are chillin' in our mouse chairs.

We missed you Grandadd and Mimi

Marnie and Bunny
Uncle Andy and Aunt Anne came to town for Easter.

Bunny and Mommy

Noah is up for another egg hunt!

Elijah was tired from the mornings festivities and was not enthusiatic about getting eggs.

Smilin' sweet pea

Handsome Gents

Grace Elizabeth and Elizabeth Faith
Very Beautiful!

Cousin Couch 2004

Samuel was a new baby in this photo he is less than a month old. He and Elijah are 5 months apart.
Elijah is 5 months old (same as Ellie) and Joseph is a year older than Elijah.

Cousins on a crowded couch 2007

This is a tradition that we started in Easter 2004,

and we have grown from 3 children (Joseph, Elijah and Sam) to 6 childern. Noah, Grace and little Ellie are our newer additions.

Easter Brunch at Marnie's

This was our second brunch of the day and the kids were exhausted but we had FUN.

Lloyds Five

There were a few attempts of a Family picture on Easter, and believe it or not this actually the best one so Enjoy!

Time for treats

Noah came inside the church, sat down in the Narthax and strarted unwrapping his treasures.

The Hunt at Heritage

The weather was freezing cold, and then just beautiful for our egg hunt, brunch and service. Thank you Lord.
There goes Elijah! The kids had such a blast!

Noah had a great time finding the eggs, he really caught on FAST!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

I love Spring Flowers

Tulips are one of prettiest and best smelling flowers. We just Sent Nina a bouquet of Two Dozen tulips. My garden is just blooming with dutch tulips of every color.

Swing Low......Swing High

Sweet Chariot
This really should be a picture of Elijah with the reference. It's Noah, I will have to get a pic. of Elijah in a boat to represent an ark. Just for Irony.

Labor of Love

Here is the wood floor Tah Dah! What an experience putting that in. We are so very thankful for the opportunity.


Here is a before picture of our dining room, just one of the many rehab rooms in our house. We were blessed with the help of good friends during our home renovation. That is Feilding pictured above with his trusty crowbar.

Ellie's Photo Shoot

Ellie is 5 Months Old
Let me know what your favorite pic is!

Indiana Jones (Lloyd)

Noah always wears a hat. This is one of his favorites. It cracks me up.