Monday, September 17, 2007

Cupcake Caper

I made cup cakes with the boys last week! mmmm yummy! We had a great time, and they really enjoyed the process of making them. They were very patient we had to wait for baking, cooling time, and then frosting the cupcakes. The boys had a nutritious lunch, even though those of you who know my family, yes the boys get filled up with many sweet treats at our church. I do however, try to feed them healthy, nutritious balanced lunches, and dinners. They had a nice healthy lunch. Then, they enjoyed their glucosamine overload! They were in mid cupcake when something struck them and they left their cupcakes in the kitchen on a toy chest. hmmmm??? where are they?? Well Ellie was playing in the kitchen with her wooden food.... I went to check on her and ...this is what I found........


Pat said...

How did we end up with such mischievously beautiful children?

BTW that night (and the next mornig) Ellie had one NASTY Diaper.

Lauren said...

heheheHAHAHAHA that cupcake looks super delicious!