Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Respitory Distress

The goings on at the Lloyd house: Me recovering from Acute Palatine is that little thing at the back of your throat. I woke up with an edema in my uvula (I know it sounds SO weird) I couldn't breathe, I kept struggling to catch a breath. I was in serious respiratory distress, my uvula was inflamed 5 times its normal size (You do not want to see a pisture of this). Since I was gagging, and couldn't breathe, Pat took me to an urgent care center...there I found that I had an infection in my body, and uvulitis!!

The diagnosis included only Popsicles and frozen drinks for the next few days to eat. MMMMM! We went to Starbucks and got the best Mocha peppermint frappucino ever!!

A Wedding of Thanksgiving

The Joyful Bride

Monday, November 26, 2007

An Ozark Drive

On our way to Ava, in the Ozarks, as I lay softly on my down pillow, I was drifting off to sleep and as I looked out the window I was captivated with the beauty. God was peering down through the billowy clouds of the thick darkness, I was catching glimpses of his radiance.
At the same time, (Brothers and sisters) it is a new commandment that I am writing to you, which is true in him and in you, because the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Softly and Sweetly

I love to watch these precious ones sleep. It is when I can really enjoy them, (note past blog entries) I feel so thankful to have these children. We were told that we had only a 2% chance of being able to have them. The Lord has blessed us with 4 covenant children. I am thankful.

This little one woke up!

The Grass withers and the flowers fade....

Monday, November 19, 2007

Forest Park Playtime

Friday, November 16, 2007

Blotting out Transgressions

I love to paint, I enjoy doing it when I can...I painted this mural in Ellie's room in the spring, I was encouraged by all the beautiful blooms outside, and wanted to bring in more flowers in her room. She has a little table for two, for tea parties, and thought it would be cool for her to be out in her garden for tea. My love of painting seems to have caught on in the family. The boys are constantly asking me if they can use my paints. I do not let them use my acrylic paints. I have the boys use yogurt or pudding most of the time, when we have a painting project. So yesterday, I was super busy in the morning I cleaned the house, and made a pot of soup for a sick family, did some laundry, and was sooo tired. I don't usually nap anymore with the kids, since Ellie is a year now. However, I sat in my chair all curled up with a book and a blanket....and fell into a deep sleep. Elijah downstairs sleeping, Ellie up in her crib and Noah in his, or so I thought.................

Noah somehow opened up the upstairs closet where I keep my paints stored got them down, which is crazy because they weigh more than him, took them to Ellie's room painted over my mural, I guess he thought he would add his own interpretation and proceeded to open up every bottle and let it pour out all over the new carpeting upstairs......So upon seeing this, I wasn't quite sure how to react, I was angry, upset, sad, flabbergasted, unsure how to behave. I just kind of fell to the stain and started to cry, my tears added to the large pile of paints, and I felt hopeless. I think I just came across, terribly heart broken and disappointed. I saved the discipline for Pat to handle.

So when Pat got home, he took care of some issues, and we called Aunt Christy, we thought that maybe she had a nice wet vac. Pat called in a panic, and she called us back so was record time! Praise God. He went over and picked up the vac. And we worked up in that room for hours, and hours. We scrubbed and scrubbed, and my hands are still in terrible pain for scrubbing each individual stain with a toothbrush. Thank God for Christy, letting us borrow her vac! She is Awesome or I mean Fabulous.

Wow the stain is actually coming up.....I thought it would never ever in a million years come up!
I love the Hoover people, and I will endorse this vac the rest of my life. It is amazing! You really should go out and get one. I asked Pat if he will get me one for Christmas.
Christy said it was under a $100.00!!!

We worked until the wee hours of the morning trying to lift out the stain, I had one heck of a bad day. This day was also coupled with Patrick's visit to the I.R.S, gulp....Please pray for that big mess.
The teachable moment from this is when, Elijah said, "God is sooo mad, at Noah" I said, NO honey God is not mad, at Noah, God forgives Noah, and will remove this from his heart just like the vacuum is removing the stain. We prayed asking God to forgive us for our transgressions. Those of commission and those of omission.
And this is what he does for us.
Amazing isn't it!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Let us pile' and pirouette

Cake, cake everywhere even in my nose!
mmmmm....sugary mesmerizing
Gifts and Cousin Gracie

Happy Girl ready to Celebrate at her Angelina Ballerina Party
No Ellie, we are sorry Grandadd and Mimi cannot make it.

A Dance or two with Daddy

Personal Piece of Cake for the Birthday Girl

And another set of ballet slippers for the party!!

Fork wrong end, but sooo tasty
Eating Cake with Flair,...... and I don't mean buttons

Cake=Good, God is Good
Enchanted from her beauty sleep; Birthday Girl gets a morning song serenade from her brothers and Mommy!

The Ballet Slipper Cake; for sharing with our loved ones at HPC

Friday, November 9, 2007

You've got a friend in Me

Your favorite Cowgirl Jessie, Buzz the Space Man, and Sheriff Woody
Getting Dressed

All giggles!

It is Candy Time! For the this Toy Story Two Gang

Kind of Weird

But, lots of Fun! Here is Rich, Martin and Pat goofing around at our Fall Festival, at Heritage, what is missing? A Pastor with a Super size Afro. Now that would top off this pic.
Notice Martin in the Jessie wig, (Jessie from Toy Story)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Looking back


Precious Thoughts of Ellie so new

My mom, Nina with baby Ellie Faith
Daddy's precious princess, a Daddy's dream ahhhh
The sweetest baby girl ever, she is always perfectly content, I tell you the truth my babies have all been perfectly good. It is when they hit three-that I encounter a humbling experience and they start fearing my mixing spoons! lol

An exhausted mommy and baby girl! Hooray a girl!! We didn't think we made girls!

Our smiling sweet baby girl! Ellie is 7lbs. 11oz. One year ago, wow time flies! And still no dates at 7/11 we will have to plan one!