Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Respitory Distress

The goings on at the Lloyd house: Me recovering from Acute Palatine is that little thing at the back of your throat. I woke up with an edema in my uvula (I know it sounds SO weird) I couldn't breathe, I kept struggling to catch a breath. I was in serious respiratory distress, my uvula was inflamed 5 times its normal size (You do not want to see a pisture of this). Since I was gagging, and couldn't breathe, Pat took me to an urgent care center...there I found that I had an infection in my body, and uvulitis!!

The diagnosis included only Popsicles and frozen drinks for the next few days to eat. MMMMM! We went to Starbucks and got the best Mocha peppermint frappucino ever!!


Karen said...

Uvulitis? Gross!

Sorry you have been under the weather! Hope you're better now.

By the way, please don't say that word anymore. It's just not right.

Lauren said...

Wow, I've never heard of that happening before! I hope you are feeling better soon and enjoy a frappicino for me!