Noah somehow opened up the upstairs closet where I keep my paints stored got them down, which is crazy because they weigh more than him, took them to Ellie's room painted over my mural, I guess he thought he would add his own interpretation and proceeded to open up every bottle and let it pour out all over the new carpeting upstairs......
So upon seeing this, I wasn't quite sure how to react, I was angry, upset, sad, flabbergasted, unsure how to behave. I just kind of fell to the stain and started to cry, my tears added to the large pile of paints, and I felt hopeless. I think I just came across, terribly heart broken and disappointed. I saved the discipline for Pat to handle.
So when Pat got home, he took care of some issues, and we called Aunt Christy, we thought that maybe she had a nice wet vac. Pat called in a panic, and she called us back so was record time! Praise God. He went over and picked up the vac. And we worked up in that room for hours, and hours. We scrubbed and scrubbed, and my hands are still in terrible pain for scrubbing each individual stain with a toothbrush. Thank God for Christy, letting us borrow her vac! She is Awesome or I mean Fabulous.
We worked until the wee hours of the morning trying to lift out the stain, I had one heck of a bad day. This day was also coupled with Patrick's visit to the I.R.S, gulp....Please pray for that big mess.
I love the Hoover people, and I will endorse this vac the rest of my life. It is amazing! You really should go out and get one. I asked Pat if he will get me one for Christmas.
Christy said it was under a $100.00!!!
The teachable moment from this is when, Elijah said, "God is sooo mad, at Noah" I said, NO honey God is not mad, at Noah, God forgives Noah, and will remove this from his heart just like the vacuum is removing the stain. We prayed asking God to forgive us for our transgressions. Those of commission and those of omission.
Amazing isn't it!
I really don't know what it is with our children that they get so much delight in making HUGE messes.
I think Noah was very repentant afterwards though... He got the scrub brush and was doing what he could to help us clean.
Oh, Beth, how awful! I can't even imagine!
What a great example, though with the paint being cleaned from the carpet like God cleanses us!
One last word: locks.
Holy expletive I can't believe you got that paint off of the floor!!! I remember when I lived with Nancy Zoe drew in pen all over their brand new leather couches. Nancy was so, so upset and said to Zoe "I don't even know WHAT your daddy is going to do if he comes home and sees this pen on his new couches". So Nancy got out the leather cleaner and Zoe stood behind her crying "Scrub hard mommy, scrub harder" You better believe she never did that again! Hehe
Beth! I think my heart actually stopped for a second there when I saw that picture!
And I totally would have cried too.
WOW, Beth! I definitely would have cried, too! AWFUL! And, I am absolutely amazed that it came out! You must have been so exhausted once the air finally cleared. You deserve a long nap and a kid-free day! (oh yeah, we live in a real world, don't we!?)Just kidding!
Dang. I almost cried just looking at the first picture. Then again, at that last picture. The imagery is amazing.
Thanks for sharing Beth!
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