Fighting extremely hard against super Liberals everywhere.

Me, in Metropolis, incognito...

and....of course Superman was also there

Then we went down to Atlanta and met Peggy, and saw Uncle Eddie and hung out with them at the Birthday Partay.

And our favorite flapjack lover.....Robbie. He is an awesome Chef by the way.

A we decided to form a band, Lauren and were the lead singers, and Ian played guitar, and Pat was all drums. We were the Damp Manties.

The Beautiful Smokies, in smoke. It was dreary and the hubby was not wanting to venture out.
Loadie and Robbie are expecting a little baby Stites, let us know what you are having!!! It was a-lot of fun staying with them! We love you guys, you have a lovely home, thanks for the "Southern Hospitality"
Oh and I didn't get any photos of Nate but Loadie posted some on Face book. We love you too Nate!
Wow, that Superman Physique really makes me look wimpy compared to normal.
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