Wagon rides, this is the Lloyd wagon, we use it so much it. It gets great mileage! ha The little ones like to jump in and out of. They enjoy getting out and peering at the animals. In this photo Ellie loves sitting on her big brothers lap, it is so funny, they do this at home all the time too.

Here is the prettiest girl in the whole world. In front of some really beautiful flowers couldn't pass up this shot.

Monkey see, monkey want a ride. This chimp came all the way to the glass, gave Ellie a high five, and said "Hi" to us. It was hilarious. Only Noah didn't like Monkey so close.

Here is my little expression filled handsome "The little brother-big brother boy"

This girl is ready for fall, here she is enjoying the Zebras

Giraffes are so graceful. God is Awesome

These two genuinely love each other from the heart, and I feel so blessed that they get along so wonderfully, they are each others best friend (cousins Joseph and Sam are a close second). I pray as they grow they will continue this bond they have and mature their relationship as holding each other accountable and that they will always be there for each other.
When that Monkey came up to us it was hilarious b/c she was really trying to examine Ellie. She was more interested in us that we were with her I think!
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