Twenty Four

This show can best be described as the most innovative, ground-breaking television show of the past 50 years. The reason this show is so ground breaking is the fact that it has used split screen cameras, and a real time format to create the element of a quality made show.The show follows the worst days of likable, humble hero Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) and each episode chronicles every hour of the day, and is shot in real-time.
We were hooked at every jump and turn.
A big bonus of the show is that 24 was constantly surprising in unexpected moments, and you never know what to expect on the show. Anything can and does happen.
" I'm federal agent Jack Bauer, and today is the longest day of my life."
We just finished season 3! I told Jared we needed to take a little break. It's soooo consuming! But, in a week or so, we'll be ready for season 4. And, we'd probably, in reality be watching it now, but Jared's Dad is here visiting. We decided not to let him in on our little addiction!
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