This week-end we celebrated Ellie's 2nd b-day at Mimi and Grandadd's house.
Ellie was enjoying the day, and her eyes dazzled as everyone layed affection on her. She was so proud of herself when she played "princess" dress-ups, and when we sang Happy Birthday. I hope that I can raise this little girl, to grow in to a beautiful young woman.
My sweet little girl is growing so fast, she is such a joy. I love her so very much. She is such a cuddly, loving little mommy. She loves to care for her babies, and her brothers, and Mommy and Daddy. I am so happy to have her as my little girl. I love the way she wrinkles and crinkles her nose, when she is being silly, or thinks that anything is funny. I love how she talks and talks....(you have no idea what she is saying but she is very intent, with hand gesture and body language as to get her point across.) I like how she says with a squeal of delight "Like that"!!
She is a true Daddy's girl, I am so excited that she has a Patrick, who loves her so very much. I see that she is vivacious, and passionate about things, the boys are more laid back and subdued. Ellie is so dramatic and is the one..when daddy comes home she runs at him faster than lightening and jumps into his arms, and covers him with kisses, and is laughing, and so full of joy. The boys want to be hugged and cuddled like that as well, but they are much more shy, and withdrawn.
Ellie is really enjoying being a little sister, she loves her brothers so very much and tries to play with them always, and I love how they accommodate her, by allowing a "princess" or "mommy" or something in their story line of that days play.
Ellie loves to bake, play dress-up, and play tea, she is planning on inviting Daddy to a special tea this week-end, (We have begun setting this up), they are dressing up and meeting upstairs in her little bistro.
Ellie at two is such a joy, and I am incredibly thankful for her.
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