Here is props to the photographer (since I posted her photo)
http://www.blog.claryphoto.com/ Her photography is beautiful!
Carmi and Corree were two very good friends of mine during college we were very close I practically lived with them, dropping in on them when ever I wanted, Corree and would work out together, Carmina and I would always have these deep conversations with each other, and Pat would tease them and they would just laugh and laugh! We would always eat together, and of course do Pine Street together. These girls were so fun, caring, encouraging we just always had a blast together. I met them through Pat, he was friends with one of their boyfriends, and then we just became this amazing cliche in College it was Jay and Carmi, Coree and Josh, Me and Pat, and Zartie and Matt, and sometimes this kid named Doug, and a girl named Erica, we just had such fun with each other. I love these girls like sisters. Well they went off to study abroad working on their graduate degrees and we lost contact. It is a shame... however, I am so happy to have found them yesterday. I mean these girls were even in my wedding that is how close we were!
Awww! Beth! How freaking sweet of you to blog about us!!!
This brought back some memories!
Doug is married now and has a 3 month old daughter. Josh and I see them quite a bit. Erica also got married and lives in Arkansas.
We so need to hang out and catch up!
Oh...and Jay is married and has a brand new baby girl too.
Wow! I am waiting on mini Coree's and Josh's running around. Coree lets get together for a game night, and then girly night. Pat is putting together a Poker night for the guys, Josh will have to come! It has been too LONG chica!! Doug having children that sounds dangerous! ha! :)
Hey I still have that ZOBMONDO game, remember how much fun we had with that one!!
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