Monday, December 1, 2008

Shrimpy Chippy

Here is little Ellie belle at the kids table

My son Elijah, the cook......I have been out of the kitchen, having back problems again. So Elijah and Noah are playing upstairs, I am reading a book, and the kids are quiet = priceless.

Well Elijah comes down and is in the kitchen for awhile and calls his brother down, he says "Noah it appears Mommy isn't cooking for us tonight so I made you my special"....special I am thinking you are five, what other than..getting yogurt out the fridge is your special. "Shrimpy Chippy" I am in the living room kind in a daze with my book and look up, and make my way into the kitchen they are at their little kids table eating... Shrimp cocktail (leftover hor'dourves from my mom's) (Is it even good?) on a little scoop tortilla chips. Well I am so proud of this little first born for taking initiative to feed his siblings.


Lyra said...

"It appears Mommy isn't cooking for us tonight"...............Oh my goodness. That is priceless! He is such a sweetheart!

coree kback said...

Ha! That is hilarious! Your kids are so darn cute!