sleeping Noah

Drooling Minnie Mouse. So happy


Driving a car, Elijah loved it!

riding on Daddy's shoulders one of the best ways to get around Disney!

A tropical palm tree. Oh how nice.

Beautiful red flowers where we stopped to have a snack

My sleepy two year old Noah

A snack from Mimi and Grandadd's yard. Delicious. If you aks Elijah, what his favorite food is...his reply is always

Sweet Pea

We walked around everywhere, I remeber passing back and fourth as she slept most of the time.

Noah riding Dumbo the Elephant

Happy girl teething, she was covered in drool

Noah had his sweet little 2year old baby curls

Peek a boo it's Piglet! Their very favorite!

Elijah gave everyone such huge bear hugs he loved lunch with the characters at the Crystal Palace.

Ellie did not.

Time for fun with Tigger!

Mimi's girl

DisneyWorld!!! Ellie and Daddy at the Buzz Lightyear ride our favorite.

Space hero troops, ready to fight the Evil Zurg

this is what happens to naughty toddlers at DisneyWorld

The Christmas Castle Show, it was amazing! We took like 50 pictures of it! I know silly.
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