Here we are on the "Story Time Couch" in Ellie's room, this is where we enter new lands, and discover new characters, we especially enjoy Picture books, and any stories by Dr. Suess (they are my favorite to read) Elijah can spend hours looking at Richard Scarry books. We praise and thank God for books.

Dressing up really helps them with their immgination and helps create their love for reading. The Clubb's gave us this amazing Disney set of books, and Ellie will point to the pricess stories, and shake her head yes.

here is Noah dressed as "Black Spiderman" and this day we talked about struggling with sin.

Here is the wand that never stops shooting beautiful silks, spun by "Spiderman" (Elijah and Noah) My three little blessings, love to dress up. We are always dressing up around here. It is just fun, and we like to have FUN! So like most days, I had, 2 spiderman, one very dark one who is confronted with his sin, and one who was running around saving a very fair, beautiful maiden, Snow White. This snow white does not live with 7 dwarfs, she lives with 2 "piremann" or as Noah says as he shoots webs at you, the sound affects leaves to wipe your face off. They are so much joy! Elijah, so thoughtful as not to leave out his sister, said her Snow white wand was actually filled with never ending "silk webs" so that she may shoot with them......aahhhh she was so happy.
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