Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fluffy Kisses

Ellie gave this little girl puppy her seal of approval, with a kiss.
She is soo cute! My sister Robin found this puppy at her Apartment complex, and it did not have a home. She took it in wanting to keep her, but I have persuaded her to give it to someone I know who would love it. My sister just had a brand new baby, so I told her it would be great to focus just on Gabriella, instead of also training a puppy too. She is so adorable she made my sister not even think clearly.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Another Beautiful Babe

Sweet baby Gabriella, after a distressed emergency C-section, put in Nana's arm immediately.
Gabriella weighed 8lbs. 3 oz. She is doing well- now, and my sister Robin is doing better, there were some minor complications. She had to go under, so Gabriella came to the room for my mother to hold, and then off to the Nursery. Robin was out for a few hours and then in recovery for an hour and half, and then they brought her up to look at Gabriella. Ivan her father was soo excited he was making phone calls like crazy and speaking in Spanish. The children were saying "Ocho.tres" At the end of the night.
Noah concerned about his new cousin.
Through the looking are the kids in adoration of their new baby (cousin) Gabriella.
Elijah was in tears, we were not allowed to hold the baby, she had to stay in the nursery. He loves his new baby cousin.

Friday, September 19, 2008

I had a dream....

Okay the video was too lame for Lauren so I changed it. ha
We saw Priscilla Ahn in concert at the Pageant it was wonderful. Her music is amazing, very serene and fun. We had a wonderful date night we love to get out and go to concerts. Is her voice not so beautiful??
The lyrics
I was a little girl alone in my little world who dreamed of a little home for me. I played pretend between the trees, and fed my houseguests bark and leaves, and laughed in my pretty bed of green. I had a dream That I could fly from the highest swing. I had a dream. Long walks in the dark through woods grown behind the park, I asked God who I'm supposed to be. The stars smiled down on me, God answered in silent reverie. I said a prayer and fell asleep. I had a dream That I could fly from the highest tree. I had a dream. Now I'm old and feeling grey. I don't know what's left to say about this life I'm willing to leave. I lived it full and I lived it well, there's many tales I've lived to tell. I'm ready now, I'm ready now, I'm ready now to fly from the highest wing. I had a dream

Chocolate is Amazing

Okay, so I get a package today and open it up and......My dear hubby has renewed our phone contract after two years. I am not one who really cares about this kind of thing. However, I did see this commercial and thought that is soo cute. I would love one of those. I never told Pat about my desire to have a chocolate but he that is what he ordered for me. He even ordered it in Wine red, (my favorite color) He is so thoughtful. I love him, even when he doesn't surprise me with goodies.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Baby Sarah is here!

Baby girl Blanner is here, she weighed 7lbs and 9oz. She has her mother's mouth, and dark features like her dad. She looks a-lot like her siblings, Joseph, Sam and Grace.
Mimi Joy (this is her 7th)
Cousin cuddles, Elijah kept asking to hold baby Sarah, he could not get enough. He loves babies! He kept asking if we could go back when we came home.

Elijah in awe of the baby again, and Uncle Pat
I have had to pray often to not get baby fever, It is just so amazing having a sweet little cuddle in your arms.
Enjoying my time with baby Sarah, here is her proud daddy.

Grandadd and his grands, it was a full house.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Knit a Gogo

Here is the sweet little knitted sweater and hat for my new niece Gabriella who will be making her debut sometime late September. As most of you know, I am a Jack-of-all of trades, and a master of none. So I can just about do anything, However, I never bring, great detail, or perfectionism, or grace to the items, I make....
It has been a great blessing, to be creative, but also a great deal of distress figuring out just what the Lord wants me to do. Anyway, here is the little knitted outfit I started for our new niece, of course I had to have help to make it look polished. Thank you for the help you know who you are! I would love everyone to pray for this little one, who will not be raised by christian parents. Please pray for her salvation. I am excited that I can be salt and light to this little one.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Flower girl frock

Here is Ellie's newest dress, it is for my brothers wedding, as you can see, I am trying to sew the flowers on her dress per the bride. We are very excited for you Uncle Jack and love you! I will also be making a halo of flowers for her pretty little head. BTY: The beautiful flowers are from my hot hubbie.

All the little Handprints

Here is the master bedroom, and as you can see the kiddo's love to pile up on our bed and leave their mark on the mirror. Hand prints everywhere, I used to get so annoyed that I had to clean the mirror so often, now I have grown to love seeing their little tiny prints.

Gallery of Babes

Here is a gallery of pictures of the little babes, that Pat and I see upon waking, and going to sleep. Each photo of the little one's are 4-6 month's old range. It is one of favorite cherished items. As most of you know I love little one's but it is the infancy stage I just adore!

Elijah, Noah and Ellie

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Saying good-bye to babies

Our first day at Central Baptist Pre-school M-W-F!
Relieving pre-school jitters

Elijah Patrick smiling about his first day

Noah Jamieson "Mr. Happy" on his 1st day
Breakfast of Monkey's
In their new classroom putting up a star with Mrs. Mertz, and new friend Cody, Ellie wanting to start pre-school already!

Today was the first day of pre-school, and I was sobbing like a baby. I did everything to get the boys ready to go on their first day, we prayed before, we acted it out, we got to meet the teachers, we visited their classroom, we continued to talk, and talk about it. So how did I not get ready??? They were like okay Mommy, you can go now, take Ellie, and we will see you later. When Ellie and I got to the car it started. I tried to stop, take a deep breath, and think of the blessings, for nurturing them and teaching them the social skills necessary to thrive in a classroom setting.
I knew that I had come equipped with tissues, dark glasses and some emergency dark chocolate in case I had a meltdown in the school parking lot. Which of course I did.....saying goodbye to my babies for the first time.

Almond Branches in Bloom circa 1890

This is one of my favorite Van Gogh pieces, I think it is because it is a tree, and I am completely infatuated with trees. Not necessarily wanting to know about the analytical parts of a tree, and every trees species and stuff but more a of a big picture thing. Oh, I love them, I love to be near them. Walking outside and looking how God formed each leaf different than the next. They provide us comfort, shade, relaxation. They are so beautiful. I think the branches represent our walk in Christ each one of them twisty and bumpy, and some strong and some weak, some of them brake and bend under pressure, but each one of them God provides for.
I love this picture, anyway I was considering ordering it for my living room, to go above the couch, but it being Van Gogh, I wasn't sure. What do you think?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Congratulations Jeff and Monica

Patrick's cousin Jeff was married last month to Monica, the wedding was fun for the kiddo's, it happened a couple of weeks after I broke a disc in my back. It was the first time I had gotten out since. Here is my little Beautiful Babe enjoying the Delicious dinner served!

Summer Salads

This summer we have been enjoying such amazing salads for dinner. Thankfully, we are given fresh grown tomatoes from my parents. Patrick asks "Honey what's for dinner?" I grab a big bowl and throw all the salad fixings I have and...viola! My biggest addiction is Feta cheese, I can not get enough, and sometimes on a splurge I will pick up some sun dried tomatoes. I am going to miss our fresh tomatoes soon. It will be fun to start making stews, and chili's and roasts again too! Come over and have dinner with us sometime! I always find something to throw together!