A Happy Belated Birthday to our very special little boy. Noah Jamieson is already three. He is such a sweet, gentle boy. Noah certainly did "give us rest". He is learning and growing so much. With him being right in the middle sometimes I take him for granted. He is really wanting to so much be like his big brother. He really loves his little sister too, he always says "Goodmorning Eaiie I yuve you". Noah has a great sense of humor, and really enjoys cuddling, he is the cuddliest guy. I really appreciate how he has all these totally cute expressions. He is smaller in proportion to Elijah, and more enthusiastic about everything. He is picky and hard to get to eat green food. He has a servant heart, he will give his sister her sippy cup, baby, blanket etc., and he will do that for other children too. He also likes to pretend he is a super hero, and has a Great imagination, and loves art. He loves Larry boy, and his favorite book is.. Zack's Alligator, we change Zack to Noah, and he receives the alligator from Grandadd and Mimi. Oh yeah and "Caps for Sale" You Monkey YOU!!!!
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