Monday, March 31, 2008

American Gothic

Here are Andy and Anne, on a recent trip in Eldon, Iowa!
Wood the painter wanted to depict the traditional roles of men and women as the man is holding a pitchfork symbolizing hand labor. Wood referenced late 19th century photography and posed his sitters in a manner reminiscent of early American portraiture.
I think this photo is hilarious!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Babies, Babies, Everywhere!!

Congratulations are in need to my sweet friend and bible study leader Marissa. She and Chris are blessed with their 3rd child- this time it is a little boy! Yeah! Welcome to Carter Noah, who is such a little doll! We are sharing your joy dear friend! Also the Parsons have at HPC, have had their big baby boy! Welcome to the world Charles Benjamin! What a cute chunky baby! We are thrilled for you all.

Unraveling at the seams

This is my favorite picture of my 3 little blessings! Praise God, that Spring is on its way! I thought I would post it since it is springy! I ask that you would please pray for these children, and me to be the mother that I need to be. Can you tell that I am feeling the remorse of taking my children out to run errands today? We had one of those day's where everything was difficult, and no one seemed to be on their best behavior. I now sit here remorseful, as they are sleeping and are the picture of peace, little trusting cherubs. Why can't I realize they are such a gift when we are at Schnucks or, the Dr's Office?? Why is it when I have my time with the Lord, I am already unraveled by the time we eat breakfast??? I really just need to remember that He is my dwelling place. Psalm 90

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Illuminations of Peace

I am in all of amazement of this photo, I just absolutely adore it. I love it because Ellie seems to be looking up towards the heavens. Granddadd seems to be in deep thought maybe of the Easter Resurrection. It also looks like he might be praying for Ellie and reflecting on the Awesomeness of the Lord. The light is illuminating around them and it looks like God is kissing them with his glorious presence. God demonstrated his own love for us in this, that when we were still sinners Christ died for us.
Lord thank you, for moments like these. When we can soak up your precious peace.

Grandadd the Great

Ellie had brunch with Mimi and Grandadd
and she stayed on Grandadd's lap and played games with him.
The I put something on your head gameEllie loves Grandadd

Funny Hubby

Okay this photo is funny because...I am the picture taker in the family. Easter morning I asked pat "Will you please get a photo of me in my new dress, with or without the kids. I notice I am never in the photo's and wanted a pic for sentimental reasons like if I died or something. So here I am eating, and looking at my plate, how do like my Easter dress?? ha! I thought this was pretty hilarious. Oh well. At least he got Joe in the pic too.

More celebration

The Easter Eggs Andy and Anne
Uncle Andy, Ellie and Mimi playing
A super close up of super cute Noah
Andy, Elijah, Noah, and Patrick the band of brothers

The Best Marnie

So thank the Lord that Marnie had a chance to sit down, and relax. She always puts this amazing brunch together, and labors for all of us. Here she is enjoying a cup of coffee and cuddling with her second to youngest great grand child.
Ellie loves Marnie so very much.
Deep in thought.

Cousins on a Cuddly Couch -Take 1

I started this in 2004, for Elijah's 1st Easter, every year we line the Cousins up on the love seat, this year I thought we needed an upgrade to the couch so we could all fit!
I want to continue to do this EVERY year, it is something I look forward to doing. Almost as much as the Easter Egg hunt. Family Traditions can be so fun.
Samuel found a flashlight, and Elijah is waving to Uncle Andy!
Those Blanner boys worked hard to keep their sister on the couch.
Ellie is so cute on the cushion all to herself. Next year we will have another little one to go on the couch....either Luke or Sarah Blanner.
They love being together. They make so much noise together, they get into trouble together.
At Marnie's Easter Brunch, 2008
We Love you Marnie!!!!

Cousins on a Cuddly Couch

Here are the little darlings all lined up for Easter 2008
Samuel (nearly) 4, Grace 2, Joseph 5, Eljah 4, Noah 3 and little sweet pea, Ellie Faith 1

Cousin Love: Joseph, Elijah and buried Noah
Ellie thought this was so very funny, she laughed and laughed!
Where is Noah?

Joseph tried so hard to keep Grace on the couch, it was NOT an easy task!

Hallelujah It is Easter!

Noah has spotted an egg and is off!
Samuel and Joseph, had a-lot of fun. Their baskets were running overeth.
Ellie, quickly caught on, Mimi would help her out by spotting eggs for her and she would pick them up and place them in her basket! She loved it! This was her first easter egg hunt.
See the excitement on Grace's face "Eureka"! Ellie piling up on Easter goodies!
Those legs are little, but she could get around great!
I found Pat!
Elijah scoping out the planter, he found an egg with spiderman, and was so excited he didn't care about the other eggs.
Noah was racing around to get the eggs! Good job Noah!

Pictured here is the very excititng spiderman egg! Aunt Anne leant her jacket to Elijah, it was so chilly outside. Thank you Anne!

The prettiest Egg, Ellie was in Love.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Brutus: the brave blue betta

Here pictured with Elijah is Brutus, yes he is a brave blue betta. Brave because he can puff up and look tough when shown his own reflection. He became a Lloyd on March 20th, and lived a happy, humble life in his little fish bowl. Elijah, the very proud parent, was extremely eager to care for his child "fish". He gave him several non fishy treats (like Easter candy, and he thought he would like some milk to go with that). I am assuming that is why I found poor Brutus upside down in his fishbowl when we came home tonight. Elijah was so excited to receive him and care for him. My prayer is that Elijah really truly learned the importance of being obedient. He will be crushed when he learns about his fish in the morning. The funny thing he said in the car was that he was the fish's father and I was the fishes Grammy. How weird to hear that!
I think it was Brutus in this specific case questioning 'E'tu Elijah?"

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Ooh la la

A tired van full of girls just rolled in, we are back from our "Hearts at Home" Confrence in Normal, Il. Us girls had a great time as we stayed in Il. over night, and had dinners together and "van talk" It was a great time of refreshment. I am glad to be home. I missed my little people and hubby. I will go into more detail, and post photo's later.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Discovering Cable, discovering boudaries..

Multiple Blessings. So many blessings… So little time…

Yesterday, we had cable installed, this is HUGE for this family!! We never (Pat and I) wanted to put it in our home. We get sucked into things of this sort, as much as I think it is a great tool in a productive home (moderation) I believe it is also destructive for certain personality types! It is my prayer that we use it only for glory and not become glazed over, losing our way. Neither one of us have had cable, I grew up with satellite, at home having like every channel, but I just got used to reading, silence, and music, and the ever resounding noise of children, and the inability to sit down and relax.

What a Temptation. What a gift. Here is to family devotions, homeschool, Summer Projects around the house, and playing outside hopefully they will not be put aside. I am very thankful to my parents for their generosity in getting us this comfort item for Christmas! So hopefully, this will not be the next "24" or "Lost" for Pat and I.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Montesorri Memories

Here are my first Favorite little people! I love these kids so much, it was such an honor, and blessing to work here and gain so much knowledge, of teaching, and social interaction with these kiddo's. This was before, Patrick and I went away to Central, but I stayed in touch with most of my families from Villa. The little girls were flower girls in my wedding. I can not believe it but one of these kiddo's attends Wildwood Christian School. (Baker's can you find who?)

The Perry Wedding

Here we are with Randi and Zartie 3, on their wedding day! Randi was a beautiful bride. We were so stoked about our vacation, Noah was only 2 months old here, but we had a BLAST! We even took in a KC Royals game, and got to visit Kansas City and the Plaza!
Zartie, at his wedding was saying he couldn't WAIT to have kids and was jealous! Praise God Zartie, you are so blessed to have those beautiful babes!

As Promised-Alicia

Yes Alicia, looked like an Alicia Silverstone (Clueless) Clone, and would get A-LOT of attention looking like her, she even won a look-a-like contest!
Goofy Girls, okay-I have apologize for this weird picture of me where I look like a tomato next to my girl Alicia. Yes, those are some massive braces, I thought the third time would be a charm, but I need them again!!! Yes that is right, I have worn braces 3 times! This pic was taken in 1996, we were getting ready at the little house for a girl movie night! Fun times!

Interpersonal Intelligence

Click to view my Personality Profile page

Interpersonal Intelligence 100%

People with Interpersonal intelligence are good with people and thrive in social interactions. They are good at reading, empathize and understanding others. They are good at working with others and have many friends. They learn best through interaction and dialogue.
Common Characteristics:
Enjoy social events
Love groups and crowds
Enjoys teaching others
Have many friends
Enjoy team sports
Like to counsel others
Love meeting new people
Cooperative in groups
Sensitive to others' moods
Social Worker
Child Care

Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence 95%

People with Kinesthetic intelligence love movement. They enjoy sports and/or dance. They are good at building things and like to stay active. They have good motor skills and are very aware of their bodies. They learn best through movement and experimentation.
Common Characteristics
Learns by "doing"
Would rather touch than just look
Well-coordinated with Great motor skills
Likes figuring out how things work
Enjoys the outdoors
Likes to work with hands
Can't sit still for too long
Enjoys sports and exhilarating experiences
Likes to be active
Has a lot of physical energy
Career Matches
Actor / Actress
Physical Education Instructor
Physical Therapist

The Advocate

Click to view my Personality Profile page
ENFPs are warm, enthusiastic people, typically very bright and full of potential. They live in the world of possibilities, and can become very passionate and excited about things. Their enthusiasm lends them the ability to inspire and motivate others, more so than we see in other types.
ENFPs are energetic and enthusiastic leaders who are likely to take charge when a new endeavor needs a visionary spokesperson. ENFPs are values-oriented people who become champions of causes and services relating to human needs and dreams. Their leadership style is one of soliciting and recognizing others' contributions and of evaluating the personal needs of their followers. ENFPs are often charismatic leaders who are able to help people see the possibilities beyond themselves and their current realities. They function as catalysts."
ENFPs are natural advocates, attracting people to themselves and their cause with excellent people skills, warmth, energy and positivity. ENFPs are described as creative, resourceful, assertive, spontaneous, life-loving, charismatic, passionate and experimental.
Other ENFP: Bill Cosby, Andy Kaufman, Carol Burnett, Charles Dickens, James Dobson,
Paul Harvey, and Dr. Suess.

Thank you Lyra for posting the link

I am with you, I am definitely not a J, they are much to organized and type A. So any J's want to come help me organize during Spring Cleaning???? Tempting. I know.