Okay, I apologize for my inability to post recently. I have been suffering with some seriously uncomfortable back pain, which was getting a little better, and as of now is not doing so hot. I am thankfully going to the Dr. tomorrow afternoon(having been rescheduled from today), to get that L5, sciatica, and tail bone checked out again. Okay, so at this point, our home is UPSIDE down, I think all of our silverware and oh yeah clothes, are dirty, and unfortunately the (new) dishwasher is not working! So the refrigerator is broken too, it freezes everything solid. The kids have gone through all the Dvds and yes they are all out of the box and disorganized. The kids are having a field day upstairs. The latest OH NO, was Noah found another paint brush, and managed to paint an unidentified substance all over the bathroom! ICK! He also took a sharpie, and drew all over the walls in his room, his body, his sister, brother, Ellie's room, and her crib. Also, I was invited to go see my girl Erin this week-end, and next week, I sooo wanted to go, and spend time with my dear sweet friend, who is now enjoying this time of her engagement! I will miss you. I just can't go, too much pain. (BUMMER)
So I am having that OH no overwhelming feeling, mixed with some serious cabin FEVER! So here is the good news.....that really cheered me up, Tom and Sally came for a short visit this afternoon, I got to hear about their new parish! I am soo excited for them.
Our dear friends are going to be our new neighbors! YIPPEE, and have a great house! (Holla-Karen) So our best friend Zartie, from CMSU (college days) called. Zartie married a sweet heart named Randi, and have a new beautiful little girl. And a little boy almost 2! It was great to catch up with them, and they are coming for a stay with us this summer!
I got a FREE Starbucks, need I say more! Thank you Lord!
Oh yeah, Vera Wang has a clothing line at Kohl's that just makes we want to jump for joy, but I won't maybe when the L5 goes back to where it is supposed to be.
Pat brought home a beautiful piece of furniture that belonged to Coodie, Thank you, Coodie!
I am continuing to work on Hope's shower gift it is so fun, and I am so excited about this little one, and have been joyfully anticipating this little baby.
I got to talk to a close friend of mine from High school, I LOVE Alicia, she is soo sweet, and so kind, I really miss her! She has had a seriously difficult time, with a fiance who ended up letting her down in a BIG way, and now her engagement is off. Please pray for Alicia and her family.
It was sooo nice to catch up with you, Alicia thank you for the long talk (I am going to dig up some old photo's). Hugs and prayers. Lastly, I apologize for all the sooo's and the totally's but be thankful there are no hearts, about the i's.
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