Here pictured with Elijah is Brutus, yes he is a brave blue betta. Brave because he can puff up and look tough when shown his own reflection. He became a Lloyd on March 20th, and lived a happy, humble life in his little fish bowl. Elijah, the very proud parent, was extremely eager to care for his child "fish". He gave him several non fishy treats (like Easter candy, and he thought he would like some milk to go with that). I am assuming that is why I found poor Brutus upside down in his fishbowl when we came home tonight. Elijah was so excited to receive him and care for him. My prayer is that Elijah really truly learned the importance of being obedient. He will be crushed when he learns about his fish in the morning. The funny thing he said in the car was that he was the fish's father and I was the fishes Grammy. How weird to hear that!
I think it was Brutus in this specific case questioning 'E'tu Elijah?"
Oh poor Elijah (and Brutus)! I remember how crushed Zoe was when her first pet died! Inconsolable! It is a good lesson though, for children to learn about life and death and how precious life is.
Ha! Sorry, but that last line was great!
It was awful when Daniel's first hamster died. Oh, the tears! Day after day after day. OK, maybe it just seemed like it was that long.
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