Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Black Eyes and Broken Nose

Heck No!! Ellie is not going to give Daddy a kiss the kids are wondering who this man even is! Poor Pat he is recovering from a football accident Sunday night playing with the youth. Dark outside, playing with kids half his age, it is not a good combination!

He has surgery Wednesday. They are hopeful that he will look like he used to the handsome dream boat he once was. Please pray for him.
The bridge of his nose is broken, the septum collapsed and is on one side..the bones underneath his nose are crushed and he has lost feeling in his mouth, lips and teeth. They think he might have suffered some nerve damage as well. Patrick still has not eaten as of Monday night. We were even blessed with Tina delivering Quiznos (Pat's fav.) and still cannot eat. He will have the pack removed from his nose wednesday during the surgery. Patrick had to have 3 shots of Morphine in the hospital for the pain and it did not help so they put him on a drip with an IV.


Mimi & Grandadd said...

You are going to have a dadd nose.

Elizabeth Lloyd said...

You realize Elijah has a grandadd-Pat nose, its handsome.