Friday, May 11, 2007


I don't think the zoo has ever seen as many strollers together until we visited HA! What a great time of fellowship!!!! Thank you Candy, Noelle, Jennifer, Beth, Carey, Marissa and Amiee!!! We will have to do this again this summer! I am so blessed for your friendship and your encouragement in know that you are there right with me. Gods rich grace to you all, and I will be praying for you and your precious children.


Lyra said...

It's amazing what we moms can pull off, isn't it?!

Elizabeth Lloyd said...

Yes it is!! We had such a time getting there and had such fun but it was one of those days where we all came home and collapsed! HA

sbh said...

Beth, that looks like so much fun! And a bit crazy, I'm sure...but maybe you all have mellow kiddos. Thanks for all the fun comments on my blog! I love comments : ) I hope that you are doing well. Let me know when you're going to the zoo next time and I can run over and meet up with you all. Happy Mother's Day, friend!

Elizabeth Lloyd said...

That would be great! The kids had a great time together, they were very entertained so they would just go with the flow. The boys want to play with Huntleigh! Happy Mothers Day to you as well!