At least someone was enjoying our back yard today. We saw two cute fawns with mommy watching over them on the way to the surgery.

Post Operation: This is actually a smile on anesthesia. Patrick will have a 6-7 day recovery time. He has a flesh colored stint on his nose and a frame in his nose to hold up the septum. He is feeling very nauseous and is in a great deal of pain. He is required to get a-lot of sleep. He has suffered nerve damage to his face it (feels as though his face is asleep) time will tell if that is going to heal. He is to eat soft foods for five days. He still is not eating, just drinking at this point. Dr.s orders to get plenty of rest. Thank you to the Yousaf family for watching the kids during the operation. My parents are taking them overnight tonight so I can be Dr. Honey Do.

crooked nose (Owen Wilson Like)
Feel better Pattie Lou!!
Oh, Pat! We are praying for you! We hope you feel better and heal sooner than expected!
-The Clubbs
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