This is Elijah's Bedroom. And where his Quilt sits. Now sits Pat's old Futon, which is Elijah's bed and behind that Futon tonight sat..........---------!!! Pat found them when he was doing a devotion upstairs. So I was totally kidding with Lyra, (She is going through a potty training thing) Shout out to you Lyra!!! I said.....Hmmm .."I need to post about----on the website to get more comments". I never thought it would be my oldest, and I was being all proud in my heart thinking I probably wouldn't ever get the opportunity to post about----gone wrong. Wow!(God humbles hearts, especially through children) and now so what do we find . ---the size of a Mr. Potato Head???? How is that even possible? . Hmmm.... Okay all so laughs yourselves silly. And just remember this when you come for a visit, that It might smell a little like the -----. Okay so the advice needed: What is your favorite cleaner/febreze type item to ----- 3 yr. Olds are so funny. Okay so let me know what you all think.
What on earth?? What's the deal with that? What reason did he give for not walking 15 feet to the potty?
I must admit, I am laughing my head off! It's amazing what can come out of a rump that small!!
Remember from a couple of weeks ago? Quick n Brite. Did you get some? Your gonna need to 'cause that stuff is great. Now that I have littles again, I need to stock up! Seriously. It looks like a cheezy infomercial - and it is, but it works. Really. I promise.
How funny is that, Beth?!!!! What is wrong with our children?! Thanks so much for the laugh! I'm lovin' it!
This should read Mom & Dadd not Dadd and Mom. I just wanted to get that out of the way.
First off this is not too surprising considering he's his father's child. Pat had the largest poops I've ever seen. And the second thing is, you better get this off your blog before Elijah can read or you may damage him for life.
Love ya and miss you Mimi
Ok Mom-
I'm not quite sure why we should take this off for Elijah's sake, but you're allowed to let the world know about my past digestive system habits.
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