Oh Baby!! Gotta Love Cardinals' Baseball

Chillin' at the Game, what great seats.

Wow wee! Check out that Buffet

Yes-Beer really does help heal a broken nose!
We know this to be a fact.

This was our Awesome View! Congratulations Babe! These tickets were for Patrick's Graduation Gift, I got them in November! So much Fun!

Here is our Party Room; Dizzy Dean, We Love Dizzy! We were so eager to check out the facility. We had a Climate-controlled social area Nice, no sweating it away tonight!
Budweiser & Bud Light ON TAP!
Coca-Cola products OH YES!
A Huge Buffet of very Awesome, Delicious, Food!
Pretzels and Chips
In-Game Scoreboard Recognition and the friendliest Service Ever!
I was in a total fog all night, but it was still a lot of fun!
I had to tear up the food into little bite sized pieces so I could eat it and I only had two beers, but they made my whole body feel numb. I had to cut myself off after that. I was really bumming cause I was really looking forward to this and all the food and drinks were free.
BTW - the Cards lost (shocker huh?)
Some one please hand me a tissue - We actually had a great time!
I am so, so, SO jealous!! That looks like lots and lots of fun!! What a great graduation present!
Beer through a straw? Now I've seen it all!
I'm sitting, waiting, wishing to quote a musical icon.
Please update the blog darlin'
dag gum
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