Rocky the Raccoon decided to pay our camp a visit while we were all sitting around the picnic table eating, it was dusk and I heard a LOUD hissing behind my back. I turned around and there he was starring me down. Totally charging at me for our food, I picked up the biggest stick I could find and chased him off. He came back like 1 minute later, and continued to do so all night, Pat chased him off with the stick every time, and then after we finally packed away the food he decided to loiter outside of our tent all night. He was curious but not friendly.
In an attempt to feel better, I actually agreed to go camping Friday evening. I actually was feeling better when Pat called late Friday afternoon and said "Do you want to go camping?" I said "Sure" You see....We bought Daddy a new Tent for Father's Day and he was very excited to try it out. We were eager to see how the kiddo's would do...so we decided to go to Babler State Park.....(very local).........So that being said, after not sleeping all night Friday, I was on (Raccoon watch), I am now have my cold again. Aside from the 90* weather and the Raccoon it was a Great time.
Besides the raccoon, that sounds like a lot of fun! Some of my very best memories as a kid are going camping! My dad LOVED to take us camping, but my mom said that it was a lot of work. I am so excited for your kids that they will have those same great memories of being in the woods. I hope you feel better soon Beth. Last time Robbie and I went camping it was really, really cold and I ended up with a fever the next day.
BTW, nice tie-dye Pat, you can't hide from your true feeling...join-us, jooooiiiiinnnnn-uuuuussssss
LOL That is soooo Funny....I know I totally grew up Camping all the time too! Better memories of when I was kid was when I was camping. The funny thing is we are both wearing tie-dye in the pic and we always do on our leisurely days. LOL
Hey- I wear my tie-dye because I'm dying to get out of the tie that I have to wear during the week!
That is a super corney pun, but what else have you come to expect from me?
Beth! Glad you're feeling better. Can't wait to see you!
Ha, Pat! Clever!
You guys are b-r-a-v-e to take 3 - 3 & under camping! Man, that'd be too much work for me. Heck, sometimes getting 2 in cribs seems daunting! I'm a wimp.
LOL! I here you...I think it was the cold medicine that made me a glutton for punishment!
You guys are going to have to do the yurt thing with us the next time we go, and then you won't have to be on "raccoon watch" all night! Yurts are the way to go! And, I agree with Karen, very brave of you to take 3 kids under the age of 3. I'm a wimp,too!
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