Daddy, Tom (Dadd) Grandadd and Jack (Dad) Paw Paw
We LOVE and RESPECT you and we are thankful for you!
Most of all our Abba Daddy we are so thankful for rich mercy and grace you pour out on this family.
With Love,
The Super Fantastic Five
Posted by
Elizabeth Lloyd
8:54 PM
Ha! I don't know Lauren or Robbie, but - HA!
Beth, I was just sitting here trying to figure out if that's cute or just a little strange! Where on earth were you? And do you alway travel with your super hero supplies? You guys are so silly!
OK - I just keep looking at this picture. Elijah looks like he is dressed up like Charlie Brown! It is making me giggle. And are his shorts on backwards or is it just me? I must say, I was in a pretty shabby mood, but now I am happy!
This is hilarious! See you in a couple of weeks chica! Bring the cape.
Ok all - perhaps this needs a bit of clarification. This picture was taken at the Sceince center. They are currently having a special Super Heros exhibit. It was a lot of fun to see the boys get dressed up and fly around the Sceince Center and take out the bad guys (I was their arch enemy).
BTW - Elijah dressed himself and we didn't want to discourage him in anyway. Even superheros put their pants on one leg at a time and sometimes backwards.
You all need to know Capes are way to underated!! It was so freeing flying around rather than walking you should try it sometime.
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